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Sunday 9 December 2012


Imagine there's no heaven...

32 years ago on this day,  legendary singer John Lennon of the famous Beatles group was killed on 08 December 1980 by a crazy gunman at New York while returning from a recording studio.

I was a kid then at a hill station and connecting to the outer world for news and entertainment was through the traditional good-old radio. Television had not penetrated in most parts of India, except in few metropolitan cities while FM radio station was not there at that time.

Those were the days when I used to tune on to the short wave bands for popular radio stations which used to belt out best western music such as Band Box of All India Radio (AIR) Calcutta, BBC Radio (T- Shirt Programme), Radio Australia, Radio Ceylon/Sri Lanka (English Service), Radio Bangladesh (English/External Service), Radio Burma (English/External Service), etc. 

All these radio stations paid special tribute to Lennon by continuously airing his songs. And, so were my friends in the neighbourhood who were equally emotionally charged repeatedly played his numbers - 'Imagine' and 'Happy Christmas' in their record players and radiograms. Since then, Lennon's typical round spectacles frame or Gandhi glasses including cowboy hats and boots had become a super fashion trend within  my friends!

More than three decades have passed but Lennon's contribution to the world will never be forgotten. He wanted world peace which he advocated through his writings and songs. He has inspired countless people worldwide for decades and continues to inspire them to this day.

'Imagine' - This song penned and sung by Lennon, has a strong political message that is sugarcoated in a beautiful melody. Lennon realised that the softer approach would bring the song to a wider audience, who hopefully would listen to his message.

In the video, Lennon is dressed as a cowboy and his Japanese wife, Yoko Ono is attired in a white gown with a band around her forehead. Perhaps, this could be a kind of message of all cultures getting along.

The lyrics of the song are so powerful that today it is considered as a universal anthem worldwide.

Below is the video.

Another great song of his which goes with the current festive season is - 'Happy Christmas'. This is a world Christmas song and in the video there is a short interview where Lennon talks his mind on global peace.

Below is the video.

Finally, John Lennon will always be with us - his music, his humanity, his love...because legends never die!

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